l477S23DCHQ 37
lT54PBR00R0 39
lLG0Z00AF28 57
lRW5KJ9IBE2 62
lBOB1L58LEI 68
lNN80D14B8D 78
lBL1Z05VKX1 88
Level 68
1) Remove the dirt so stones make an even path to the transporter.
2) Let 1st jewel fall onto door. Push the 2nd jewel onto the 1st jewel.
3) Let the 3rd jewel bottom right fall, get behind it and push it against the 2nd jewel.
4) Clear the dirt so you can get the top left jewel push it leaving a space between it and the 3rd jewel.
5) Repeat with the top right jewel and leave space between it and the 4th jewel.
6) Let the jewel to the far right drop, push it leaving a space between it and the 5th jewel.
7) Get the key, and push each jewel into the transporter.
Level 69
1) Remove the dirt to create a path to the door, but not below the door. If you want you can push the jewel up to the door, and drop a stone in the other direction.
2) Release the fly by making a hole on the side near the bottom.
3) Get the key and trap the mummy by pushing the stone into the hole you made to release the fly.
4) Push the 1st jewel into the transporter.
5) remove the dirt on the opposite side of the 2nd mummy, get him to chase you around so you can remove the dirt on the other side and push the jewel in.
Level 70
1) Clear out the dirt under the jewels, so they fall on the door.
2) Drop the stone at the bottom onto the dynamite.
3) Move the stone at the top to the right side, wait for the fly to get on the side of the mummy jail. Drop the stone on the fly.
4) Get the mummy to chase you behind the jail, get the key.
Level 71
1) Push the stone over as far as you can. Let the dynamite drop all the way to the bottom.
2) Push the stone onto the fly when it’s near the bottom.
3) Get the key and remove all the dirt around the transporter.
4) Push the 1st jewel into the transporter.
5) To Get the 2nd jewel push the stone to the right and let the jewel drop, get on the right side of it and push it down to the transporter.
6) The top left jewel is the last one, Push the stone off the left side then let the jewel drop and push it into the transporter.
Level 72
1) Move to the right quickly letting the dynamite fall.
2) The mummy Should move to the right, make a hole for it to get out of at the far right. Have it follow you and get under the 2nd dynamite, drop it on the mummy.
3) Get the key.
4) Release the fly in the middle section go to the top to avoid it.
5) Release the fly at the bottom left and go up to the top left. Drop the dynamite down the center, then drop the one on the right. Push the jewel into the transporter.
6) Go to the middle top section. push the jewel off, go through the top right and push the jewel into the transporter.
7) get the jewel from the top right push it into the transporter, then get the last jewel.
Level 73
1) Let the dynamite fall.
2) Drop the jewel with the key on it and get the key.
3) Drop the stones into the hole and push the jewels into the transporter.
4) Get next to the dirt behind the last jewel and quickly run right to push it off and avoid the mummy.
Level 74
1) Don’t get the key!
2) Go around to the right and push all the jewels of that side. To get the last one go to the top let the stone fall onto the dynamite and get behind the jewel.
3) Go under the door, up to the left side, drop the stone into the empty space and start pushing the jewels into place.
Level 75
1) Push the dynamite off the end.
2) Release the fly and drop the dynamite on it when it’s next to the key area.
3) Go to the left side push the first stone into the hole go underneath the stacked stones and push the bottom ones into the hole. Push the last one to the right removing the dirt sticking up so it will fall into the hole. Push the stone at the top right into the hole.
4) Remove the dirt around the jewels on the left and push them into the transporter.
5) Go under the last jewel get behind it and push it into the transporter.
Level 76
1) Move to the right letting the stones drop, then left again to drop the rest.
2) Release the fly, and get the key.
3) Release the mummy and push the dynamite to the left.
4) Clear the dirt blocking the transporter and push the jewel to the right and into the transporter.
Level 77
1) Push the dynamite over to get the key.
2) Get the jewel and push it into the transporter.
Level 78
1) Drop the far right stones, and then the two columns of stones on the left, leaving the one with dynamite.
2) Push the dynamite to the right.
3) Push the dynamite by the jewel to the right and push the top dynamite by the transporter to the right.
4) Remove the dirt to clear the transporter
5) Push the jewel into the transporter.
Level 79
1) Remove the dirt in front of the jewel closest to you, get on the left side of it and quickly push it over.
2) Get the key.
3) Go back to the right side clear out in front of the next jewel, go around the top of it and push it down and into the transporter..
4) Continue like that, drop dynamite on any stones that drop to the bottom, and fill in any holes made by dynamite with the stones.
Level 80
1) Push the dynamite to the left and get the key, if you do it when the fly is above the key it will get stuck.
2) Push the bottom stone down the hole and remove the dirt around the transporter, push the stones into the spaces in between the dynamites.
3) Remove the dirt above the dynamite and push the 1st stone onto it.
4) Drop the 2nd stone on the mummy.
5) Remove the dirt under the left dynamite on the bottom right, it should fall next to the dynamite.
6) Push the right stone on top of the stone you just dropped.
7) Push the stones from the top on to the other two stones.
8) Slide the stones to the left side of the transporter.
9) Don’t forget the jewel at the top.
Level 81
1) Remove dirt around the transporter, use top left stone to fill in the space in front of the transporter.
2)Remove the dirt and let the dynamite drop to gain access to the key.
3) Use the stones to fill in the spaces in the ground.
4) Drop stone at far left top onto dynamite.
5) Drop the other stones and push one to the left and one to the right, drop the jewels and push them into the transporter.
Level 82
1) Avoid the flies, get the key.
2) Remove dirt over the transporter and in front of the jewel, push the stone to the left letting it fall.
3) Go through the bottom passage to get behind the lower jewel, and push it into the transporter.
4) Push the stone next to where the key was down the hole.
5)Use the stones at the top to fill in the hole, trap the flies behind the stones.
6) Push the jewel unto the stones, go to the right and down through the bottom passage push the jewel into the transporter.
Level 83
1) Move down letting the stones fall behind you , move to the left at the bottom, then remove the dirt from under the stone and let it drop on the dynamite.
2) Push the 1st jewel into the transporter.
3) Drop 1 stone at a time and push it behind the transporter.
Push one of the dynamites at the top onto a fly in between the 2 mummy jails.
4) Get one mummy to follow you down to the bottom and drop the stone next to the jewel on it.
5) Now the 2nd mummy should follow you down, do the same thing with the 2nd stone.
6) Push the jewels into the transporter.
Level 84
1) Drop the middle dynamite, then the stone next to it.
2) Push the top stone on the right over to the left on top of the stone you just dropped.
3) Push the dynamite on the top left to the left when the fly is on the other side.
4) Go in between the 2 stacks of stones and push the right ones to the right.
5) Get the key.
6) push the top jewel to the left. Take out the dirt under the stone and push the jewel into the transporter.
7) Push the stone all the way to the right, which will drop the jewel; push it into the transporter.
8) Move the stone on the bottom left of the edge. Go down and push it one space to the right.
9) Drop the top right jewel until it’s on top of that stone.
10) Push the stone all the way to the right, and push the jewel into the transporter.
11) Push one stone of the last 3 over, move it to the far right then get the last jewel and drop it down and push it into the transporter.
Level 85
1) Remove the dirt from the bottom left, let the stones drop and push them back and forth until there level.
2) Let the next set of stones drop moving to the right, push each one off until you can get through.
3) Remove the dirt below the dynamite, let it drop and blow up the rocks blocking the path.
4) Remove the dirt and let the jewels fall into the transporter.
5) Clear the dirt from in front of the last 2 jewels and push them into the transporter.
Level 86
1) Drop the stone onto the 1st fly.
2) Drop the dynamite onto the rocks around the key. Get the key
3) Clear the dirt out of the way and put the 1st jewel into the transporter.
4) Drop the stone on the 2nd fly, push the next jewel into the transporter.
5) Release the last fly, wait until it’s next to the rocks by the transporter, and drop the stone on it.
6) Push the jewels into the transporter.
Level 87
1) Get the key. The dynamite should fall and blow up the rocks blocking the bottom.
2) Push the bottom stone to the right, when the top one drops push it to the left. Then push the other stone on top of it.
3) Go straight down through the hole made by the dynamite. Stop in the space above the dirt. Then go left 1space, down 1 space then as far left as you can go. All of the stacks of stones should have moved down 1 space. Move each of the top stones to the right so they fill in the spaces. You will have to remove the squares of dirt left in front of some of them to do this. There should be one stack of stones left, all the way over by the transporter.
4) Go to the left next to the transporter, push the top stone to the left so it falls next to the bottom stone.
5) Go around all the way to the left, above the transporter and remove the dirt from under the stone, it should drop. Push the remaining stone to the right completing the path to the transporter.
6) Go up to the top right, and push the top jewel off the edge, down the hole, then all the way left to the transporter. Do the same with the remaining two jewels.
Level 88
1) Get the key.
2) Drop the dynamite onto the stone.
3) Push all the stones into the spaces to there left, except the last one push to the far right.
4) Get each stone by removing the dirt in front of them and pushing them off the edge and all the way to the transporter.
Level 89
1) Drop the dynamite on the left.
2) Drop the stone in the middle onto the dynamite next to the transporter. Push the stone next to that one off so it falls into the hole you just made, Do the same thing with the one above that one.
3) Drop the top jewel and Push it into the transporter, and get the key.
4) Get the jewels on the right side.
5) Let the flies on the left side out, push the jewel onto the stone next to the transporter, remove the dirt behind it and push it in.
Level 90
1) Push the dynamite to the right. Go through the passage drop the next dynamite.
2) Remove the dirt above the key area and drop the dynamite onto it.
3) Avoid the mummy and get the key.
4)Use the stone to trap the mummy push the stone next to it onto top of it.
5) Push the jewels into the transporter.
Level 91
1) Remove the dirt from around the stones at the bottom so you can push the top stone to the left.
2) On the right side leave the bottom square of dirt remove the dirt above it and move to the right so the 2 stones fall and you’re on the right side of the top one. Push the top stone to the left.
3) Clear out the dirt in that whole area leaving one square of dirt under the stone on top.
4) Release the fly, it’ll go to the top first.
5) Drop the stone onto the rock when it is above the layer of stones at the bottom. This should blow up the top layer.
6) Push the dynamite where the fly came out of to the left.
7) Go under the jewel and get on the right side of it. Push it to the left onto the stones.
8) Clear the dirt above the hole and drop the top dynamite.
9) Push the jewel to the right, next to the door.
10) Drop the dynamite and the top onto the remaining stones.
11) Drop the dynamite in the middle section to blow up the rocks blocking your path to the mummy.
12) Move quickly and drop the dynamite onto the mummy. Drop the next dynamite so you can get the key.
13) You can now get all the jewels on the right side into the transporter, except the one at the very top.
14 Drop the stone on the left side (in the tunnel thing below the jewel) move to the left to avoid being blown up . Then drop the dynamite moving to the left again.
15) With the two stones gone you should now be able to get all the jewels on the left side.
16) Now go up to the top, let the 2 stones fall down the edge and get the final jewel.
Level 92
1) Push the dynamite on the transporter to the end at the right, but don’t let it drop.
2) Remove the dirt under the stone above the transporter, push it one space to the right.
3) Get all the jewels on the right side.
4) Push the stone to the left side of the transporter.
5) Drop the dynamite at the top onto the rocks in front of the key area.
6) Get the mummy to chase you to the bottom right, now push the dynamite the rest of the way to kill the mummy, you’ll have to move quick so you don’t get blown up too.
7) Get the key. When the jewels above the door fall, push the stone with them to the left.
8) Take out the dirt below the top stone let it fall and push it to the left, do the same thing with the last stone.
9) You should now have a clear path to move all the jewels on the left side.
Level 93
1) Move to the left. Push 2 stones to the right onto the dirt.
2) Get the key.
3) push each of the stones (starting at the bottom) to the far right except the last one push to the left behind the transporter.
4) Remove the dirt under the stones you pushed to the side.
5) Push the top jewel over 1 space, dig under the dynamite and let it drop.
6) Push the top jewel down and into the transporter.
7) Remove the dirt in front of the stone at the top, Push it to the right on top of the jewel. Push it over to fill in the empty space.
8) Push the next jewel down and into the transporter
9) Push the top jewel to the left onto the platform and down into the transporter.
Level 94
1) Press spacebar right. move to the left, let the jewel fall and move it to the right.
2) Go to the left, get under the stone, press spacebar right, move back to the left and push the stone right.
3) Get the key.
4) Go down to the bottom and push the stones into the spaces in the middle.
5) Let the jewel at the top fall, move it to the left, push the stones at the top into the spaces at the bottom right.
6) Move the bottom jewel into the bottom left near the other jewel (leave a space so you can move it)
7) Go underneath the stone on the top right and get under the jewel, Push the stone into the final space at the bottom.
8) Push all jewels to the transporter.
Hint Speed is important.
Level 95
1) Push the 1st stone to the right.
2) Go up to the third level, push the stone until you can go over it and down to the bottom. Push the stone to the right then push the stone above it to the right. Remove the dirt holding up the stack of stones and do the same with each of them.
3) DO NOT GET THE KEY you’ll end up short one stone.
4) Go around and push the last stone on the 3rd level down.
5) Go to the top under the stone to the right and get under the stone on the left push the right stone all the way to the right and push it down just like the others. Do the same with the left stone.
6) To get the last stone go up next to the jewel, go down through the dirt and get under the jewel. Very quickly drop the jewel and push the stone to the right and down like the others. Get the jewel.
Level 96
1) Go to right side go straight down, removing all the dirt, then go to the left letting the stone fall to the right side of you. Push it to the right.
2) Go through the next area of dirt letting the stack of stones to the left fall.
3) Go over the stones and one space to the left after the stone on top, when it falls push it to the right so it falls in between the stones.
4) Go down through the rest of the dirt, going 1 space to the right to avoid being blown up by the stone, push the stone to the left until it falls.
5) Get under the next stone and press spacebar down arrow, then move to the right. The stone will fall.
6) Go back to the left fallow the path up to the left again then down and to the right, when the 1st stone falls push it 1 space to the left, move to the right and let the 2nd stone fall.
7) Keep moving right, stop with 1 square of dirt left before the end of the passage. Press spacebar left arrow, then move 1 space left and then go back up near the key.
8)Go to the stone on top of the dirt near the transporter, get under the stone then move 1 space to the right, push the stone to the left until it falls.
9) Go back to where the stone was, and get under the next one. Use spacebar down arrow to remove the dirt under you, then move to the right.
10) Clear out the dirt around the transporter, push the stone on the bottom (above the door) to the left then push the top one to the right. Push the stone blocking you in to the left until it falls, push the stone that took it’s place to the right.
11) Go to the left side of the dirt over the key, move to the right 1 space then use space bar right arrow to take out the dirt next to you.
12) Go around to the right side and push the stone through. Get the key.
13) Push the stone at the top left to the left, go up to the very top and around then down the 3rd hole to the transporter.
Level 97
1) Quickly push the stone to the right to keep the jewel from blowing up.
2) go to the left above the mummy. Remove the dirt to the left of the dynamite but below it by the wall, push the dynamite on the left side to the left. Push the stone that fell to the right so it drops again.
3) Push the dynamite that is now on your right side to the left, and quickly move up to the stone and drop it on the mummy.
4) Go all the way to the left side and remove the dirt under the stone with the key. Move down and to the right so you can push it off the left to fill the space.
5) Go around to the right and push the stone near the bottom to the left so it is on top of the other stone.
6) Clear the dirt above the transporter.
7) Drop the jewels at the top down onto the stones and push them into the transporter. You'll need to do that one at a time.
8) Use 2 of the remaining stones to fill in the space under where the door was.
9) Push the remaining jewels into the transporter. You'll have to remove dirt from in front of the bottom one to do this.
Level 98
1) Leave the 3 squares of dirt under the piles of stone.
2) Go to the top and get under the 1st pile of stones, move right under the second and again under the 3rd.
3) Quickly move down and to the right so you do not get blown up.
4) Fill in the empty spaces on the left with the pile of stones.
5) Go to the right side push the stone near the key down next to the transporter.
6) Go over the jewel and get the key.
7) Use the rest of the stones on the left to fill in the spaces in front of the transporter.
8) Go behind the jewel pus it out and into the transporter.
Level 99
1) Go to the bottom left. Wait until the fly is near the bottom and drop the stone on him.
2) Push the dynamite so it’s under the transporter.
3) Go to the left remove dirt from under the stack of stones.
4) Get the key.
5) Go to the far left, avoiding the fly, push the bottom stone over next to the dynamite.
6) Go back to the top left and push the 1st stone off.
7) Go back down and around so you’re at the top left behind all of the stones. Push the 1st stone onto the 2nd stone. Then push the bottom stone onto the next one. Push the bottom one off the edge, do the same with the other stone.
8) Push the jewel off the edge and then into the transporter.
9) Go to the right side. Drop the dynamite to the right.
10) Go down and to the right leaving 1 layer of dirt at the bottom and making a path to the edge.
11) Drop each stone 1 at a time and push them over the edge. Go to the top get the last stone.
12) Now you should be able to get the last jewel and push it into the transporter.
Level 100
1) Get key, go straight down from there clearing out the dirt.
2) Push the stone on the far left off the edge and push it onto the dynamite.
3) Go to the other side of the wall and drop the stones down laying them flat to make a path to the transporter. DON’T DROP THE MIDDLE STONE.
4) Remove the dirt above the transporter.
5) On the right side remove dirt from in front of the bottom stone. Push it off the edge and cover the dynamite. Continue just like the other side. Use the middle stone on the right side.
6) drop the jewels and push them into the transporter
level68 = "lBOB1L58LEI";
level69 = "lV84THCBUN9";
level70 = "l9P8JTWVPEM";
level71 = "lMGQPWHO4VO";
level72 = "lV051W4XM7C";
level73 = "lR6LFWJE51K";
level74 = "lR4GDSNGVH3";
level75 = "lALPXUSWXCB";
level76 = "l4IFHR3HVVH";
level77 = "lSDMMDWK2A1";
level78 = "lNN80D14B8D";
level79 = "lDDACAL94S9";
level80 = "lVEBAZGWPGN";
level81 = "l8Y8HTQM86I";
level82 = "l7ZK42H0DR8";
level83 = "lFHQKVSBGZ9";
level84 = "lS6Q1ER5H9L";
level85 = "lS1HZG3STX1";
level86 = "lDXVKCB2TB7";
level87 = "lMUDNJEZOJH";
level88 = "lBL1Z05VKX1";
level89 = "lZ174NPKCBT";
level90 = "lP41MV540WW";
level91 = "lUMXVPC54CP";
level92 = "lRKCE009F52";
level93 = "lVHLSVDEGAH";
level94 = "lA3NVS5U5E5";
level95 = "lTG25RJ6PP6";
level96 = "lBRCZJTVMK4";
level97 = "lM1QDZOZ05C";
level98 = "l3GJHAP05UT";
level99 = "lN5QEWMANVU";
level100 = "lVXOBYPRJ1C";